Robyn Shepheard
Galveston Island
Texas, USA
I researched “ My Medical Vacations” and found that offered the services and care I was looking for, so I contacted them and started planning my trip.
- I am very difficult person to please and tent do have higher than average expectations. (OK, call me spoiled)
- I did not really expect to get the type of service I typically demand. Remember this is a
Different country and different customs.
“MY MEDICAL VACATIONS EXCEEDED ALL MY EXPECTATIONS”! They catered to me and fulfilled my every request!
I WILL COME BACK each year – As I have already planned and discussed my next procedures!
The Doctors were excellent and took very good care of me. I have had procedures done in America but the service and care
I received was exceptional! My recovery was fast and as close to painless as they could get. There IS A FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH and
Here is the thing… you don´t have to believe me… in fact, don´t believe me… the proof is in the photos!
As I have said… I am very difficult and demanding, even truly entitled! Yes, that´s what I said… I am entitled!
- So as the nightmare patient that I know I am “My Medical Vacations” cared for me so well I could not have been happier!
this is more than a company, this a family- a loving, supportive, and understand family!
- $ Cost – What part did cost plat in my decision to use “My Medical Vacations?” Well… to be honest I´ll pay for the best and
always have. I will say I wanted quite a few procedure so I was looking for the best doctors for the best price. My Friends
& family (some, not all) were a Little concerned that I had chosen to leave the country and have the surgery in Mexico.
o But see I already knew that some of the best doctors were in México (Cancun) – I already knew the Latin culture
of caring and supporting (No, I am not of Latin descent…)
- So to bring the question of the cost back around to full the circle… yes, it was significantly less expensive to get the procedures I
o Let me be very clear, while the cost was significantly less, the care and attention were significantly better!!
Andres, the owner of “ My Medical Vacations” Has a world-class team of doctors, nurses, staff and services!
- If I wasn’t invested in Real State I´d absolutely invest in this enterprise!
- The only problem he has is that people think “its too food to be true”… so don’t believe me—– Just look at how my procedures turned out!
I challenge you! – I have given permission for any and all photos to be made available because for many people, seeing is Believing.
I will also answer any questions anyone wants to ask…
Simple, because I believe in people and while I may be hard to deal with and wanting everything my way… I also believe in
Karma and that if you do good, it will come back to you. The people @ “MY MEDICAL VACATIONS” went above and beyond for me. I feel that I owe them the love they willlingly gave me. I want to return that love and Pay it forward! Age is a state of mind – it should no longer be a physical state.
I will end with the simple statement that “ I never had better medical, dental and emotional care!”
“…The Doctors were excellent and took very good care of me. I have had procedures done in America but the service and care
I received was exceptional! My recovery was fast and as close to painless as they could get. There IS A FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH and