FEB ´17
I have so much to be grateful for. MMV is the best place ever. I researched many different place for my facelift, talking to representatives of different facilities, yona made me the most confident and positive this was for me, They all made me feel special and cared for MMV was very thorouch. They did blood test, EKG, a physical and a consultation with doctor torres.
Dr.torres is an artist – I think – this is his calling -when surgery was over, I had no pain – everyone there work together to make YOUR experience as good as they can.
My nurse Anna, stayed all night with me the first nite all the care home, ( I had a 2 bed rooms, 2 bathrooms home in a gated community all to nypell). She came everyday taking care of me, cleaning the stitches and bandaging .
She offened and did cook me some breakfast, I like to do that nypel, gets you up and moving around, she always affened to do it, she showed me how to do my, own draning and how to care for my skin – sign, she wont come home with me.
Betty has now been adopted, I dont know it she’ll come home with me or not, but honestly, I feel in love with all three of these ladies. Betty took me to the beach, to a mexican breakfast , went shopping – but mostly the conversations with these three felt liked was talking with my best friends – so much to say – to thank – paco helped me shop and drove me around. Sweet man. My advice – COME HERE
“…MMV is the best place ever. My advice – COME HERE…”