We always take medicines for illness because that is what cures us. However, in some illnesses either the patient can’t take medicines orally or infusion therapy is more beneficial. So, here we will look at what is pre and post-operative infusion therapy. We will also find the pros of doing i.v. infusion therapy.
What is Infusion Therapy?
Infusion therapy is an alternative to the traditional way of taking medicines orally. Doctors use a sterile catheter and insert it inside the vein. Now all the medicines as well as drips are given to the patient through this sterile catheter.
Why do we need Infusion Therapy?
There are two types of needs where infusion therapy becomes crucial. One of the common need is when there is a certain type of medicine that a person can’t take orally. In this case, infusion therapy becomes vital to opt with.
The second case will be when there is a medical condition in which taking medicines from the mouth will not be an option. This usually occurs after operation. The stomach acids destroy some types of medicines and won’t let them affect the body. Thus, a doctor will recommend giving medicines using a sterile catheter.
Before surgery – Is it important?
If you have insufficient nutrients in the body, it will become dangerous for your body. The surgical wound may not heal well because of nutrient deficiency. The wound will be more exposed to several types of issues. So, the doctor will make sure to avoid all this.
Pre-operative i.v. infusion therapy ensures that your body receives all the nutrients that it needs for quick healing. Any other nutrients that will get the body ready for surgery or may affect the surgery in any way will also be added. Thus, the patient is safe for surgery.
Infusion therapy after surgery – What’s the Use?
When it comes to post-operative therapy, the infusion has many applications. A patient needs a lot of care after the operation. However, the body is not yet ready to receive hard doses of oral medicines. In that case, infusion therapy helps a lot where doctors infuse specific medicines into the body of a patient.
A patient may have different needs that include but are not limited to dehydration problems, low energy, or depletion feeling. Even after successful surgery, the patient remains highly stressed. This is where infusion therapy helps a patient after surgery.
High stress affects the immune system of the patient. The patient is at higher risk of catching infections and diseases. Infusion therapy will make sure that the patient receives a good dose of medicine without affecting the regular diet.
Your doctor or surgeon is the best person to help you. He has the right knowledge to decide what type of infusion therapy do you need for better care. Most hospitals keep the patient admitted even after the surgery is complete. This is when the surgeons monitor the condition and ensure that the patient receives the right dose of infused medicines.
- https://blog.avella.com/what-is-infusion-therapy-what-diseases-does-it-treat
- https://www.boosthydration.com/IvTreatmentTherapy/PostSurgeryBoost
- https://revitalivfl.com/prepost-operative-iv-hydration-treatments/