I felt compelled to write a testimonial of my experience with Medical Vacations because it was so overwhelmingly positive.
The decision to get cosmetic surgery and extensive dental reconstruction is always a very personal one, with very real and emotional financial implications – the choice to have this work done away from your native country adds a greater dynamic to this decision. I researched my options in great depth and finally decided to go with Medical Vacations. A contributing factor to this decision was the obvious passion and warmth Andres and his team approached my case with. Financially My Medical Vacations was very competitive the knowledge they bring to the field is extensive and obvious. I was still a little bit uncertain when we arrived in Cancun- simple fear of the unknown. I cannot tell you how much easier the My Medical Vacations team made the entire experience – working on my behalf to ease the way for appointments and routine pre op procedures, providing shuttle service and support throughout the duration of my stay and patiently and competently answering all my questions and alleviating any concerns.
The medical and dental facilities and staff were exceptional – providing a care and service here that was far above and beyond anything I had ever experienced in Canada. Both the doctor and the dentist were very knowledgeable, approachable and consummate professionals. I found all my fears and worries quickly disappearing to be replaced with a true appreciation and comfort level with the entire process.
What was probably the most surprising and heartwarming was the genuine care and warmth I felt from Andres and the team throughout – there is a sensitivity and good humor that surrounds their interactions with you that makes you feel valued – as a friend as well as a client.
I must make special mention of Betty, the Medical Vacation concierge. Betty is with no exaggeration or flattery – simply amazing!
It seemed there was no shaking her good humor, patience and compassion- despite some long days, a busy schedule and erratic hours. She truly is like an angel sent to make the experience comfortable and pleasurable as possible!
I will be very willing to recommend Medical Vacations to friends and relatives in the future, as they truly understand the need to look at your situation on an individual basis and make all aspects of the experience as excellent as possible.
They truly went above and beyond and exceeded my expectations!
Cori Simmons
Alberta, Canada
“…The medical and dental facilities and staff were exceptional – providing a care and service here that was far above and beyond anything I had ever experienced in Canada…
… What was probably the most surprising and heartwarming was the genuine care and warmth I felt from the team throughout – there is a sensitivity and good humor that surrounds their interactions with you that makes you feel valued – as a friend as well as a client….”