Patient safety

Patient safety, a apriority in My Medical Vacations

Patient safety is undeniably a very important aspect of any medical procedure. However, many people tend to ignore this factor while checking the credentials of hospitals and doctors. This negligence can have dire consequences if things go wrong. Fortunately, patient safety is always a priority at MyMedicalVacations.

Understanding Patient Safety Standards

Patient Safety is a discipline that focuses on ensuring
safety in healthcare.


Concierge Medicine in Mexico

Concierge medicine, or retainer medicine, is a concept that has revolutionized the medical community. It is a relationship wherein a patient pays an annual fee for hiring a doctor. In exchange for the retainer fee, the doctor agrees to provide medical care and a commitment to provide adequate time and remain available for each patient.

concierge services mmv

VIP Patient Concierge Experience

Medical tоurіѕm is a bооmіng іnduѕtrу аnd every уеаr, more аnd more mеdісаl tоurіѕtѕ are vіѕіtіng Mеxісо to rесеіvе top ԛuаlіtу trеаtmеnt аt аffоrdаblе prices. Aѕ a medical tоurіѕt, you need tо dо ѕоmе rеѕеаrсh whіlе selecting the dеѕtіnаtіоn, hоѕріtаl аnd dосtоr fоr уоur trеаtmеnt. Alѕо, уоu need tо mаkе ѕurе еvеrуthіng іѕ well planned before уоu go аbrоаd so you саn enjoy a рlеаѕаnt medical trip without аnу complications іn аn unknown dеѕtіnаtіоn.

Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover in Cancun Mexico

After giving birth, many women feel that their bodies don’t reflect the active and healthy lifestyles they share with their families. The Mommy Makeover is characterized as a set of procedures that focus on solving post-pregnancy body issues in one surgical time.

It is a personalized method for restoring a woman’s body after having a child.

Dental crowns

Medical tourism for dental crowns in Cancun – A worthy choice

Have you lost a tooth or a piece of the tooth which you want to get replaced? There are multiple treatments that you can go through. Among them, the dental crown is a great option for having your tooth fixed.

Dental crowns are a fixed prosthetic device cemented onto existing teeth. They prove efficient in covering a damaged tooth or an implant while improving a tooth’s appearance,

Executive Check-Ups Paradise

Executive Check-Ups in Paradise, Cancun

Are you a person who desires to keep your private life reserved? Are you someone whose lifestyle choices, genetics, and age are factors that can bring about diseases into your healthy bodies? And are you used to enjoying some specific privileges? With people like you, operating at the top of your game, specifically in mind,

Tummy Tuck Cost in Cancun Mexico Article

What Is the Tummy Tuck Cost in Cancun

Looking for an affordable Tummy Tuck? A tummy tuck may be something you’re considering if your stomach is looking flabby and despite diet and exercise it’s still not looking how you want it to. It may be caused by excessive weight gain/loss or through pregnancy, which has caused the muscles to stretch and you’re left with what can only be described as an unsightly ‘apron’ effect.

Facelift surgery in Cancun

Cost of Facelift in Cancún, Mexico

Are you ready to make a change in your appearance? Cancún, a leading destination of medical tourism in Mexico, has announced the availability of discounted cosmetic procedures.

The cost of facelift in Mexico brings great financial advantages. Facelift Cancún surgery in Mexico are much more economical than any plastic surgery in the United States or Canada,

Heidi Mackenzie from Calgary Wins a Medical Vacation in Cancun

London, ON – We extend congratulations to Heidi Mackenzie winner of the “Love Your Body” contest. Heidi won the opportunity to showcase world-class medical services in Cancun at through a video diary.

Heidi decided to have liposuction and body sculpting done after receiving a “Mommy makeover” last year. “ I am so thrilled,