I was recommended to MMV thought a woman I know from Canada who works in medical tourism.
I was nervous at first, but I had been insecure about my body for almost all of my adult life. No matter how much weight I lost, I could not get rid of my tummy rolls and extra fat on my arms and hips. After I turned 30, I decided I wanted to have liposuction to boost my confidence and wear whatever I want.
My experience with MMV has been great; all of the teamwork was taken care of me, I was driven to and from all my appointment, all of my questions were answered and the staff is so friendly.
It’s only been a few days since the lipo+ BBL but I can already notice a difference. My silhouette is more stender and curvy in the right places.
Do your research but MMV is a good option if you already want cosmetic surgery, and it’s much more affordable that in Canada/US.